

Helping individuals and families establish a legacy of charitable giving


FOR: High net worth individuals and families who want guidance in developing and managing their charitable giving and social impact strategies.

The Change Agent·cy works with clients to inherently understand their collective passions and interests to create a comprehensive, yet personalized, charitable giving and engagement strategy. We expertly vet and match reputable local and national nonprofit organizations that best align with the client’s interests to create strategic partnerships that amplify overall impact.

As part of our services, we are equipped to build outward-facing campaigns that highlight your philanthropic efforts, or if you prefer to keep your efforts anonymous, we can also implement public relations strategies that focus on the good work your chosen organization is doing without necessarily drawing attention to the client.

We realize that high wealth individuals receive numerous requests for charitable support. On your behalf, we will give every charitable request the consideration it deserves by creating a proprietary system to streamline and vet every donation request you receive.

 Examples of our services include:

  • Assessing your current philanthropic strategy and impact

  • Defining your charitable identity

  • Researching the fields of your philanthropic interest

  • Evaluating potential grantees and continuously monitoring your impact

  • Employing deep knowledge of the nonprofit community in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area, as well as nationally


FOR: High net worth individuals and families who are new to the Nashville area or charitable giving.

Nashville is a city built on relationships and community engagement, and we know how to navigate this landscape. The Change Agent·cy provides on-boarding and immersion to individuals new to Nashville by introducing them to the key players in the nonprofit, artistic and business communities and connecting them to the causes they care about based on our intimate knowledge of this great city.

Let us introduce you to Nashville by helping you make key allies in your efforts to support charitable causes.